Do parents have to grade anything? What records do parents need to keep?

In our upper level courses (levels B & C), quizzes and exams are graded automatically, so all you need to do is keep a record of those grades. You will be able to easily find these grades on your dashboard throughout the year. 

Any lab reports and other assignments are the parents' responsibility to grade, but we always try to provide detailed grading rubrics and answer keys to make that as easy as possible for you! 

We'll provide a guide to help you calculate a final grade if you need it. Since our courses are designed for homeschoolers, we recognize that parents all have the flexibility to grade and keep records in whatever way works best for them! If you prefer to grade your student differently, we respect your decision to do so. That is one of the great things about homeschooling – being able to individualize a course to fit your students' needs.

In our elementary level courses (level A) there are optional quizzes available along with an answer key for parents. We do not grade these items, it is the parents' responsibility. 

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