Experience Astronomy Elementary (Level A)
- How long will I have access to the course?
- We're struggling financially, do you have scholarships or discounts available?
- How much do the courses cost?
- What else do I need to purchase besides the course?
- Can I see a scope and sequence?
- Do you offer discounts for families enrolling in multiple courses?
- Do parents have to grade anything? What records do parents need to keep?
- How much time per week will Experience Astronomy take?
- Do I need to purchase the course for each of my children?
- Can my student skip part of the course?
- Where do I find the PDF/printable materials for the course?
- How do your courses align with Classical Conversations?
- What’s your refund policy?
- Is there a discount if we are a returning family?
- How long will I have access to my course?
- Does my child have to view the course videos on specific days or times?
- Are the courses live or recorded?
- Do you have a co-op option available for your courses?
- Should my student take Elementary Experience Astronomy (Level A) or Experience Astronomy (Level B)?
- What should I do if I can’t find a book on the book list OR it’s too expensive?