I live outside the United States, how can I find lab supplies for Biology?

While we know our preferred lab supply provider, Home Science Tools, does ship some lab supplies internationally, we understand this may not be the most cost-effective route for many families. There are also some supplies, they are not legally allowed to ship outside of the country.

We would recommend getting what you’re easily able to find and what’s most cost-effective. We included a lot of labs for a high school biology course, knowing most students won’t complete all of the labs but wanting to give plenty of options for families. 

In addition to lesson 1 and 2 lab, which help lay a foundation in scientific investigation and lab report writing, we recommend you choose 13 more labs to complete throughout the school year. 

We have a number of labs that do not require any special lab supplies at all. Be sure to visit this page to look at lab supplies available by lesson to help you determine which lab supplies it will be most feasible for your family to acquire and which labs you’ll be able to complete. 

Also note, if there are specific microscope slides that are quite expensive or difficult to find, we do have images of what your student would have seen had they had the slides. While it’s not ideal and won’t give your student the hands-on opportunity of learning to use a microscope, your student can always use the images provided to complete the lab.

With the dissections, if you're not able to find the specimen or they're too costly, have your student watch the lab videos. Those lab videos are very detailed and we walk the student through the entire dissection step by step. So while they won't have the specimen in front of them, they will still be able to see a lot and learn from the videos.

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