Do you have a suggested schedule for Elementary Biology?

We designed our elementary courses to be flexible and fit your family's schedule. You can use this course the best way you see fit! 

Think of the lesson videos as the “hub” of the course and the other elements as the spokes. The lesson videos should be the main thing your student focuses on, and then you can use as many or few of the other elements as you wish for continued learning. You can spread the weekly assignments out to as few or many days as you'd like—or skip the parts your family doesn't need.

While most families choose to complete the course in one school year, you can complete the course as quickly or take as much time as you need to since you have lifetime access to the course.

Here is a daily plan based on a 5-day schedule: 

  • Monday: Watch lesson video + complete the lesson quiz
  • Tuesday: Watch memory video + review memory facts
  • Wednesday: Read one or more books from the recommended reading list + review memory facts
  • Thursday: Complete the hands-on activity + review memory facts
  • Friday: Complete copywork + review memory fact

Here is a daily plan based on a 3-day schedule: 

  • Monday: Watch lesson video + complete the lesson quiz + review memory facts
  • Wednesday: Read one or more books from the recommended reading list + watch memory video + review memory facts
  • Friday: Complete the hands-on activity + copywork + review memory facts

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