How do I study for an Experience Biology exam?

First, students should watch the video on the main page of the exam. That contains study tips and should be very helpful.

Second, students should review the Study Guide found in the Student Guidebook (they will need to be logged in to access that link). This is one of the most important elements of preparing for the exam.

They should also review all quizzes and research questions they have completed so far in the current quarter. The quizzes are designed to be a study aid; if they struggle with any topic (getting one or more questions wrong) they should review the section of the lesson(s) they aren't sure about, and then retake the quiz to check their knowledge. If they feel confident about the information in all the quizzes they will be very well-prepared for the exam. Students have access to all the quizzes and videos from all previous lessons, so they can review any material they need to.

Keep in mind, like any exam, Experience Biology exams can only be taken once and should be completed in one sitting (there is not an option to save your progress and continue later). The grade for exams is final.

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